We need to provide information related to our expertise and activities.
Titas Technologies (BD) Limited is a limited liability company organized and registered in
Bangladesh under the Companies Act 1994. Titas is a promising and successful Importer,
Exporter and Suppliers in Bangladesh having business with USA, UK, Germany, Spain,
France, Italy, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Africa, Singapore, Malaysia, China, India and other
countries. We are a group of people working together for supplying different items to
Government agencies and authorities namely Bangladesh Army, Navy and Air Force, etc., to
Corporate Houses and to Private organizations. Our group journey started in 2002. Reputedly
and successfully we are expanding our business continuously. We have a good business tie
and affiliation with both the current and retired top officials of Bangladesh Army, Navy and
Air Force, private sector and corporate sponsors for a long time for our honesty, sincerity and
professionalism. We are a team of multi dimensional professionals consisting seasoned
Businessmen, Engineers, Doctors, Professional Accountants, Market Specialists, etc. We are
working our level best for the development of the society.
We have long experience on indenting services provided to both Government and non-
government organizations including Bangladesh Air Force, Bangladesh Police, Bangladesh
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), Bangladesh Army, Border Guard of Bangladesh (BGB),
Bangladesh Coast Guard, Bangladesh Navy (BN), and other government and non-
government organizations.